We suggest you start reading at the beginning, June 2009. It's much more fun this way!

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

We could really get used to this

Hi everyone

Yeah, we really could get used to living the life we're living right now. This is just about the most relaxing  lifestyle we know. We get to sleep whenever we want, eat whenever and as much as we want, get all the treats the heart desires and go for more frequent and longer walks outside. I mean really: what more can one ask for?

I completely agree, Trapper, we have it made down here in Florida. And with André and Sue having nothing more to do than to take care of us, we can't ask for anything more. Except maybe that André and Sue would be around a little bit more. You see, they have developed a lifestyle of their own which means they go out and do stuff without even asking our permission. Just in the last five days for example they have constantly been doing fun stuff. Last Saturday they went for lunch then had a golf lesson. Sunday of course they had to rest and, from what I gather, recover from being a little sore from Saturday's activities. I never quiet get how humans enjoy things that make them feel sore and not just once but repeatedly.

Exactly. Would you believe that they went back to the golf course on Monday to shoot some balls on the driving range? One would think they've learned their lesson, but nooooo! Right back at it they go. Tuesday they decided it was too hot for more golfing and went to the pool instead. Obviously they met some nice people to talk to there because they seemed to take forever to come back home. And today they even did both. Or at least Sue did. She went golfing with some other ladies and after she came back, she and André went to the pool again. We had a really hard time getting her to write this blog for us.

In their defense we have to say though that they are not just all fun and no work, they also do their chores such as taking care of us, doing dishes and bringing out the garbage. André goes shopping and cooks and once in a while Sue cleans up a little and does the laundry. Still I'm wondering if they too are getting used to this new lifestyle. I for one wouldn't mind if we just kept going like this forever. What about you, Trapper?

Oh yeah, bring it on. I could go like this for the rest of my life but I think that's not going to happen. André and Sue are talking about the coming summer and from what I hear, they plan on traveling again. Well, as long as they don't go back to the Trans-Labrador Highway, I guess we can live with that, too.

See you around
hunter and trapper

PS: don't forget to read André's and Sue's blogs (listed on the side), too and to follow our trip on Google map and on facebook. You can also check our web site for more pictures.

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Jewelry and such

Hi everyone

Once upon a time jewelry used to be for women, or so we've heard. And tattoos were for bad guys in jail or motorcycle gangs. We have to tell you though, this seems no longer to be the case. How do we know? Well here in Florida it is so warm, and we absolutely love it, that just about everybody is dressed in T-shirts and shorts. Many guys also wear tank-shirts and many women spaghetti-strap shirts which expose tattoos. Jewelry is supposed to be seen anyways so it is not hard to spot guys with necklaces, bracelets, rings and even ear-studs. We, too have some necklaces. As a matter of fact we each have two of them since Sue bought us a new one about a month ago.

That's right, we now each have one with a pendant that has our respective names on one and Sue's Canadian phone number on the other side and one with our names and Sue's US phone number both on the same side. If I recall correctly we explained that to you in an earlier blog. The second pendant became necessary because Sue for some reason has a different phone and phone number here in the US. We think it has something to do with roaming although we can't figure out how her phone would wander off. It's a thing not a being and we have never seen it move all by itself. Anyways, it seems to be perfectly normal for guys to wear necklaces, André has one too.

He also has two tattoos, a bracelet and an ear-stud and while tattoos and bracelets seem to be fairly common, he is the only guy we know who has had his ear pierced. It looks good on him though, we have to give him that, and somehow he can carry it off. Sue has had her ears pierced which is common in women but she also has a tattoo, something one doesn't see so often. Would you ever get an ear-ring or a tattoo, Hunter?

Are you nuts?! Why, for crying out loud - literally - would one go through all the pain to get poked with needles? Sometime we can only shake our heads. Besides who would see a tattoo under all our fur? You are not seriously suggesting to first get one and then have to constantly shave our coat for it to be visible? We would look just ridiculous. And we both dislike needles. Let's stick with our necklaces and leave other jewelry and tattoos to the humans.

Agreed, and we are so good-looking that wearing all that stuff would actually take away from our stunning looks. Let's forget about it and go play-fighting for a while and then we should be entitled to some treats for writing this blog.

See you around
hunter and trapper

PS: don't forget to read André's and Sue's blogs (listed on the side), too and to follow our trip on Google map and on facebook. You can also check our web site for more pictures.

Friday, January 4, 2013


Where Hunter and Trapper have been just a second ago
Ok, we apologize to all the parents who now have to explain to their children that while they are turning one year older each day, they can not have a party and presents every day. As much as we would like to help you with that - you're on your own.

See you around
hunter and trapper

PS: don't forget to read André's and Sue's blogs (listed on the side), too and to follow our trip on Google map and on facebook. You can also check our web site for more pictures.

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

To be or not to be

Hi everyone

That really is the question here, isn't it? You heard that right, genius here is going philosophical on me. When he realized that a few hours ago a new year has started, he asked me if that meant to be or not to be a year older. I wonder where he go that idea from and so he tried to explain it to me. In his logic 2013 minus the year he was born in equals one more than 2012 minus the year of his birth. So, he concluded, we both just turned a year older. Ooooook or as dear old Shakespeare would say: no, duh! But then Trapper made a very good point and now I am the one wondering if he isn't right - kind of.

Don't take it that hard, Hunter, I know you're good at literature but I'm good at math and logic. So far nobody has explained that specific question to me or finished it for that matter. To be or not to be WHAT? It could be any number of things, right? My math adds up and so I can't be far off except if I accept your reasoning that one turns a year older every 365 or 366 days after ones birthday, depending on whether or not we have a leap year. Then again I say: today I am exactly one year older than on January 1, 2012. So we both are right, are we?

Yeah, I guess we are. Why do humans have to make things so confusing? I for one don't feel any different than what I did yesterday or the day before. I think they just make that stuff up to confuse us and try to make us think they are so much smarter than we are. They have no idea! We, that is you and I Trapper, just found the answer to the question everyone has been asking for over 400 years. The correct answer to "to be or not to be" is "depends on how you look at it".

With that thought (and added wisdom) we wish you all a happy 2013.

See you around
hunter and trapper

PS: don't forget to read André's and Sue's blogs (listed on the side), too and to follow our trip on Google map and on facebook. You can also check our web site for more pictures.